Plain white background image.

The Continuum Studio 20 take the core aspect of the Continuum and changes things up in the power section.  A set of 6v6 tubes mixed with the right amount of preamp gain and global negative feedback offers up an amplifier that is immediately vintage feeling. It still revolves around a very modern take on the California sound, but lacks some of the unrefined aspects of those older designs. The amp is incredibly easy to play! The combo cabinet is voiced to project and offer the amount of low end needed to sound big, but without getting boomy.

20 Watt 6V6 x 2 $4350


Close-up of amplifier controls with gain, treble, and mid knobs, signal structure switch, and sparkle switch.

Signal Structure

The SIGNAL STRUCTURE circuit was created to optimize level and voicing of the front end of the preamp. By doing so it integrates into the mixing stage of the preamp in 2 distinct gain/voicing levels. This circuit offers two modes:

  • The HIGH selection offers more gain and has a more traditional blackface curve to the bass response. This will instantly feel a bit more “old school” and will also offer more gain and volume. Overall headroom on the preamp side will be lower in this mode.

  • The LOW is more modern and will decrease the amount of “harsh” or harmonic distortion that most vintage amps have. It will also help smooth out the signal if overdriven from pedals. There will be more note separation in this mode and the lower amount of gain will allow for more preamp headroom.

Close-up of an amplifier control panel with knobs labeled Treble, Middle, Bass, and switches labeled Sparkle, Mid/Boost, Deep.

EQ Toggles

  • SPARKLE offers a nice boost to the top end of the signal post tone stack.

  • MID/BOOST is a pre tone stack gain increase that pushes the natural mid range of tube stage.

  • DEEP offers a slight boost to the low end for a fatter rounder bass.

Close-up of a guitar amplifier control panel with knobs labeled Contour, Send, Return, and Reverb, featuring the Sinewave Amplification logo and a reverb EQ switch.


An extremely versatile and musical 3 tube circuit, using a long decay 3 spring large tank. SEND and RETURN controls for full control of tail delay and depth of mix.

Reverb EQ Switch

  • BRIGHT – This setting will increase all the highs in the wet signal. Making the mix splashier.

  • NEUTRAL – This is the normal mode and is considered neutral in both voicing and feel.

  • DARK – This setting will decrease all the highs and mellow out the reverb signal.

Close-up of amplifier control knobs labeled "MASTER," "CONTOUR," and "SENSOR."

Power Section Input

The MASTER control is the final level control before the effects loop and the phase inverter. By changing the balance of the input gain and the level of the Master, varying levels of preamp headroom can be achieved.

The CONTOUR control is a post master volume tone shaping circuit. It will soften the higher frequency ranges of the signal before it hits power section. This is very helpful for quick adjustments on stage, and offers a mix control for very dark or bright pickups. The control when fully rotated clockwise offers no sonic changes to the signal. As it’s turned counter clockwise the effect of the circuit will take place.


Back view of a guitar amplifier displaying its internal speaker and control panel.
Close-up of amplifier control panel showing 'Bias Adjustment,' 'Bias Test-Point,' and 'Ground' labeled connections.

Bias Adjustment

This external adjustment potentiometer and multimeter probe point is for setting the idle operating range for the output tubes. It makes it extremely easy, fast, and safe to change out new output tubes.

Close-up of speaker output jacks on an amplifier with impedance labels for 4 Ohm and 8 Ohm connections.

Speaker Output

Always connect amplifier to correct speaker load before powering up. By not doing so can lead to the output transformer having an extremely bad day.

Close-up of an effects loop panel with 'Send' and 'Return' jacks, labeled 'Passive Insertion Point Post Master Volume.'

Effects Loop

The passive loop offers a basic series interface for time based effects. The MASTER volume acts as a level control to the SEND on the loop. The RETURN works best with a balanced, buffered pedal/interface. A level control can be beneficial to balance the level as integrates back in to the amp at the phase inverter.

Tube Compliment:

  • 20 Watt 6V6 x 2

  • 12AX7 x 4

  • 12AT7 x 1


  • Combo Dimensions - 20.5”W x 22”H x 11”D

  • Weight 40lbs